Sunday 9 December 2012


An old church hymn that we sang for the Archbishop and his wife yesterday as we bid him goodbye, just thought I would share it with all who might stumble across my blog.

Christ be beside you, Christ be before you,
Christ be behind you, King of your heart.
Christ be within you, Christ be below you,
Christ be above you, never to part.
Christ on your right hand, Christ on your left hand,
Christ all around you, shield in the strife.
Christ in your sleeping, Christ in your sitting,
Christ in your rising, light of your heart.
Christ be in all hearts thinking about you,
Christ be on all tongues telling of you.
Christ be the vision in eyes that see you,
In ears that hear you Christ ever be.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Yesterday I lost a friend.

We used to be close, once we were inseperable,
The kind of friend with whom anything could be spoken,
Anything could be shared.

There were no awkward moments,
There was only camraderie

And then something changed.
Why, I think i know, but I choose to leave in denial.
I refuse to think of my friend that way,
I can not believe that is what changed it all.

Yesterday I lost a friend,
And I lost a part of me.