Sunday 9 December 2012


An old church hymn that we sang for the Archbishop and his wife yesterday as we bid him goodbye, just thought I would share it with all who might stumble across my blog.

Christ be beside you, Christ be before you,
Christ be behind you, King of your heart.
Christ be within you, Christ be below you,
Christ be above you, never to part.
Christ on your right hand, Christ on your left hand,
Christ all around you, shield in the strife.
Christ in your sleeping, Christ in your sitting,
Christ in your rising, light of your heart.
Christ be in all hearts thinking about you,
Christ be on all tongues telling of you.
Christ be the vision in eyes that see you,
In ears that hear you Christ ever be.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


Yesterday I lost a friend.

We used to be close, once we were inseperable,
The kind of friend with whom anything could be spoken,
Anything could be shared.

There were no awkward moments,
There was only camraderie

And then something changed.
Why, I think i know, but I choose to leave in denial.
I refuse to think of my friend that way,
I can not believe that is what changed it all.

Yesterday I lost a friend,
And I lost a part of me.

Monday 30 April 2012

Ngat a gene: Off the Ledge

Ngat a gene: Off the Ledge: I am tired. It’s true.   I didn’t think it possible. I have been here far too long. I have always danced to my own tune. Now I...

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Ngat a gene: I am Reigned In

Ngat a gene: I am Reigned In: I am reigned in on all sides I cannot run I cannot shout I cannot keep company I cannot li...

Ngat a gene: Birds and Me

Ngat a gene: Birds and Me: The eagle and the owl Which is the better bird? Both are predators Which is the better hunte...

Ngat a gene: My thought on the Matter

Ngat a gene: My thought on the Matter: Today someone mentioned and implied that we really can’t speak against ‘corrupt officials’ in our go...

Ngat a gene: Off the Ledge

Ngat a gene: Off the Ledge: I am tired. It’s true.   I didn’t think it possible. I have been here far too long. I have always danced to my own tune. Now I...

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Ngat a gene: My thought on the Matter

Ngat a gene: My thought on the Matter: Today someone mentioned and implied that we really can’t speak against ‘corrupt officials’ in our go...

Ngat a gene: Off the Ledge

Ngat a gene: Off the Ledge: I am tired. It’s true.   I didn’t think it possible. I have been here far too long. I have always danced to my own tune. Now I...

Monday 16 April 2012

Off the Ledge

I am tired.

It’s true.  I didn’t think it possible.
I have been here far too long.
I have always danced to my own tune.
Now I realize, I only played the fiddler’s tune.

I have toed the line.
It used to be figurative. Now my toe is sore.
I have lived on the edge, flourished even. 
The adrenaline rush, the flaring nostrils, thin films of sweat on the brow.
The tingling in the extremities.

What a fool I have been!
Mistaking fear for daring – cowardice for rebellion.

It’s time.
I cannot toe anymore, can’t stay on the edge any longer.
How stupid I have been!
Thinking I could play this game, never realizing when I got soft, never understanding the sinister grins. Never believing that it was over. Left alone on the chessboard, dancing alone in the dark.

I need to jump.
To take that leap.
The leap that either kills me or births me. Catapulting me higher or sinking me deeper.

Why did I believe the lies?
That to live on the edge was the epitome of living.
I slowly ease away, turn my back on the edge…

It’s not that I am now scared, no, now I see!
I realize it isn’t the place for me.
I am too familiar with it.
I walk in search of a virgin edge. An unadulterated edge.
One without the tormenting voices, one where there shall be no hesitation, no blurred vision.
I walk…

Straight off the ledge.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

My thought on the Matter

Today someone mentioned and implied that we really can’t speak against ‘corrupt officials’ in our government system coz we are pretty much cut from the same cloth…perhaps we survive on money that has been ‘misappropriated’ by our parents/guardians or we are in our current schools/workplaces because we ‘know’ someone and not on our own merit.
Here is my thought on the matter;
The man has a very valid point. I was the number one anti-corruption campaigner (my slogan being it starts with you) until the first time I bribed a traffic officer and cheated in a test. At that moment (whichever of the two came first) I realised that I was fighting a lost battle.
However, I have been redeemed (PTL) and now I believe, once again, that the battle can be won.
So, here is my principle, ‘do as I say, not as I do’!
It doesn’t matter that I have been down to the gutter (or that I am still wallowing in sin), perhaps it gives you more cause to pause and think that you know what, this dude might actually know what he’s talking about seeing as he is in the thing!
So, if I am a thief and you don’t listen to my warnings to not steal (claiming to the age old adage of following in footsteps), just know that it won’t justify you…neither before an earthly judge nor before the Heavenly Judge.  

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Birds and Me

The eagle and the owl

Which is the better bird?
Both are predators
Which is the better hunter?
One is swift the other is silent
Which is the more effective?
One can look down at a fish from the sky
The other can look down at a mouse from the sky
Which is more imposing?
One looks gallant the other can turn twirl its head
Which is to be accorded more respect?
Why would you compare the two?
Both are successful at what they do
No one hunts like the eagle
No one hunts like the owl

Why then do you compare me with him?

Thursday 15 March 2012

I am Reigned In

I am reigned in on all sides

I cannot run
I cannot shout
I cannot keep company
I cannot live

I cannot die
I cannot live

I will not leave
I will not hide

I will rise
I will run
I will scale
I will roar

I will tear apart the walls
I will take my place
I will spread
I will fight

I am not alone
I will grow a band
Dissidents we’ll be called
Bandits, Destroyers of the Peace
We will be hunted
We will be tried
We will be killed

I will not die
From where I fall
I will rise

I am not 1
I am not I
I am more than me
I am man